
Editors Speak A major portion of this work consists of various recorded dialogues between U.G. and different individuals. The first chapter is an essay written by T.R. Raghunath to present and critically evaluate U.G.'s thought. The last but one chapter is an account written by an anonymous lady in which she relates her rather dramatic encounter with U.G. We thought that this would give the reader at least one example of the many possible impressions U.G. might leave with his audience. The dialogues are transcribed and minimally edited to ensure readability. The editors gratefully acknowledge the helpful part played by everyone in the production of this book. Our thanks especially to Wendy Moorty and Geetha Noronha for their help in reading the manuscript and suggesting innumerable corrections and changes. Thanks particularly to Mr. Hilary Joseph who has helped a great deal in transcribing the talks of U.G. Introduction Trying to understand U.G. or his teachings is like trying to g...